
Topic: Do you think it's our fault that Nintendo has gone lifeless and bland with the Switch?

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Anti-Matter wrote:

Different leader have different vision for their company.
If current Nintendo CEO decided to be clean slate with Switch, less fancy than Wii U / 3DS so be it.

Satoru Iwata helmed the Switch design before he passed. He was still overseeing development in the final months of his life too. He was giving directives to the team developing it. It was a restart for them and signal to the end of their home/handheld consoles with a move to mobile device SOCs with super locked hardware. I think they're better off using Arm-powered SOCs then these hand ovens from AMD.

NNID: realdt
Nintendo Switch: SW-5592-9965-8137
3DS: 4527-7770-2241(P/M yours if you add!)



I wish I could make my Xbox home screen as bland and lifeless as the one on my Switch! Get rid of all the crap and just let me pick some games.



@dmcc0 lol i’m confused.. the xbox home screen already is bland and lifeless

~~ Stay Fresh ~~

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