Frigate 20
Image: Nintendo Life

In this entry in our full walkthrough for Metroid Prime Remastered, we cover how to beat the Parasite Queen boss.

This is a fairly easy introductory boss, but read on to find out how to beat Parasite Queen if she's causing you problems...

Metroid Prime Remastered - Parasite Queen Boss Guide - How To Beat

After the cutscene concludes, open your scan visor immediately and scan the Parasite Queen. This will take a bit longer than normal scans, so keep on the move to avoid any incoming attacks.

Taking down the Parasite Queen is a fairly straightforward affair. Surrounding the Queen is a blue force field, but there are convenient gaps through which you can shoot the boss. The force field will slowly revolve, so keep strafing to keep the gap in your sights.

Occasionally, the force field will go a bit nuts and revolve much quicker and in small segments. You can rapid fire here and a few shots will get through, but you're best off just waiting until it slows down again.

The only attack from the Parasite Queen is a green blast of plasma energy. You can easily dodge this by strafing, so keep moving around and you should be fine. It only takes a handful of charged shots to beat the Queen, so you should be done in just a couple of short minutes, if that.

When you're done, a countdown timer will commence, so it's time to leg it out of the Frigate.

Check out our full Metroid Prime Remastered walkthrough for more tips and tricks.